Earth’s Cycle

Every once in a while I receive and email that not only teaches me, but inspires me to keep going with my efforts to inform and educate the world about the coming events of 2012. The following is one such email.

John, I think you’re missing one point. Think really hard about this before you doubt me. Everyone is on this constant solar radiation thing that will kill everything during this Pole reversal. But you’re missing a very serious point. God made the perfect Earth. If you burn yourself and put ice on it, it feels better, right? You see I study many different things and one thing I’ve realized through all religions is that everything happens for a reason. Hitler did those terrible experiments of burning people than throwing them in the snow to see how fast they heal. It was a point that was well proven! The Earth will heal itself but with ice not fire, although fire will have a play in it somehow.

Have you studied the circles in England? This year they have a more religious content. The Star of David, the Rose and the three circles. At first, I thought the three circles were our first three planets and it might be but I had forgotten about the Trinity-it could be that, too. But the Falcon appears which if you know about the legion of the Falcon arising from the flames, then you’ll understand its meaning.

I’m not a big math guru but the numbers seem to have significance in these circles. If you add the circles up and try to follow the math, you come up with the same numbers. 2012 will begin the Earth’s new cycle. It’s not just a scientific thing. The Earth will heal itself. Go back to the Babylons, and the other ancient worlds who had technologies we can not duplicate. It states right there in the Bible that if you abuse what you are given it will be taken away. History, my dear friend, is more than scientific. It is about life itself. Ice will heal the heat of the world! It will take about 14 years for the cycle to complete. It will start raining and it will be extremely cold. Then the rain will turn into a slow, steady snow that won’t end until we are in a new ice age. It will not destroy everything. Man has survived the previous ice ages.

We have the technology to prepare people to help them build structures to keep them alive. But the governments of the world are like the ancient rulers-greedy. They know what is happening. The Earth was in a wobble when the 2004 tsunami took place. The tsunami wasn’t the changing point. The Earth has begun its own change and that has lead to these major weather events. Go back and look at the increase in the amounts of earthquakes even before 2004. Go look at all the volcanoes which have been dormant for thousands of years wake up–in 2007 almost all of them. The plates are already moving.

The government has already figured out how to keep gas from freezing with special “Tent Buildings” in the Dakotas, and have already built special storage faculties to house every type of seed to plant, even the Vatican has supposedly built a special structure to weather this upcoming cycle change.

There’s too many people pretending to be scientist and covering the reality instead of using what we have to help save civilization from perishing. The messages have been sent and they are getting bigger and bigger each year. Go look at the circles….tell me I’m wrong. Each year they increase. These circles are not human-made. When one of these things appear overnight and it’s the size of three football fields, And they repeat the message. Go look at them. You’ll see what I’m referring to.

We’re headed for a natural turn and we have a chance to come together and weather the storm, but instead the people are too worried about politics and wars. Are maybe that’s what the governments are trying to do to keep the people from seeing what is really happening.


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